I was working on this beat yesterday for Hype ... it may or may not be for 'Fuck Robots', we'll decided after he gets it. It's a cool beat. There's a rolling swagger to the groove but the samples I chopped give it a horror vibe. Anger comes through rather strongly too, but not overbearing because it still has a cess head nod to it. I'm gonna take tonight to finish it up ... at least the rough draft.
I took a majority of the samples from a French record from '80 or '83, I can't remember. The original clocked in @ somewhere around 10 minutes. It's an insane track. Organs & bass galore! There was also this static sound that seemed to be from a homemade electronic instrument ... it was nice a raw like only early 80s record could do ... and 60s & 70s, but you know what I mean. Some great vocal samples as well. Cool little side note, when you chop up a vocal sample you, for the most part, turn the original line into gibberish, but in this case the French speaking women were not singing in French ... instead they decided to scat. So, in the end the chopping I did just augmented the order of their gibberish.
In other news: It's muggy as pure shit in PA & NJ (I'm in both states on a daily basis, but I 'live' in PA) & I can't wait for some Autumn action ... best time of the year.
Anyway, peace.
- P
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