I went to a show last night. A hip hop show in the city. Styles East & Chuck Treble performed together on stage with Bobby Baghdad on the cuts. It was a killer show. East was extremely on point & Treb had his swagger turned to 11. The crowd was sweating & bumpin' to the music. I felt a tremendous vibe in that club.
I wasn't expecting to do anything for the night. I had just finished my delicious Thai cuisine & ready to plug in the MPC when Chuck called. He asked me if I wanted to meet him in Newark @ the Colonnades before the show. I grabbed my cancer sticks & hit the road. I must of flew down 78 because I made it there in a little under an hour. I had to pick up Chuck on Market Street after he wrapped up a few sales. We hit the liquor store around the corner from his place to cop some Jack & headed up. We stopped by Andrex's spot, but he was out. So, we waited for Styles upstairs while Chuck got his pre-show drunk thing going & I puffed on some of his new shit in this crazy pomegranate flavored blunt that Tony Walgrins gave Treb as a birthday gift.
Style's showed up around 45 minutes later demanding a blunt before the performance, so I went for round #2. He was a little stressed from the drive. Apparently, he totaled a horse & buggy in Amishville on Route 54 in the Danville area of PA. The kid was alright & promised to make up a story to his father about the accident as long as East didn't mention him smoking cigarettes & sippin' on gin & juice. Laid back, ma'fuggas. The pomey blizz hit the spot. Then, it was show time. Like I said, the show was really on.
Unfortunately, Hype couldn't make it due to a promise he made to assist Reverend Jean-Baptiste Salome in the Wellsboro Fingerboarding Invitational. I heard the Rev did well despite a minor yet rare knuckle injury. DJ Stretch of the Buzz reported the incident on his radio show 'The Afternoon Stretch', stating "I now have faith in the great Universal Life Church after seeing the twist Rev. Salome took. It would have made the average, non believing fingerboarder retire on the spot. Not Salome!" I'd like to congratulate Jean-B & I hope the swelling goes down so he can get back to business. I'm gonna be paying him a visit this Wednesday when I go up to Covington for practice with Hype.
The Thieves are also appearing on Stretch's show this Wednesday with a listen to 'The Official Countdown' following. Tune in if you're in the Mansfield/Covington/Wellsboro/Williamsport, PA area.
More later,
More later,
- Party.p
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