Hype's booking a show @ the Gaslite this week. It's a spot in downtown Wellsboro, up by Stretch's place. It'll be the first official show for the release of the EP. He's booking it for the later part of August. We need a little time to rehearse, the distance thing requires us to naturally need extra time. I'll be heading to Covington next Sunday or Monday with Chuck Treb. He's bringing some new strain of cess his exclusive grower conjured up. "It blows minds to pieces ... way better than the Kool-Aid Kush from the Omar Pillz show." I'm amped.
We're gonna promote this show really well. We've got DJ Stretch to hook us up with on air bumps @ the Buzz. Wellsboro isn't far at all from Hype's, so we're gonna pass out a ton of flyers @ all the practices & on the day of the show. Plus, there's always Myspace to add that disconnected angle.
Check back next week for some rehearsal photos.
Livin' la Vida Loca,
- Picklebird
Check back next week for some rehearsal photos.
Livin' la Vida Loca,
- Picklebird
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