Two blogs, same day. Aren't you lucky, Mr. Reader. (read Hype's below; English major style)
I must applaud Hype on his well written blog about the Jackson death & affect (or lack of) on the Wine Thieves rehearsal. It was an enjoyable read. And like he said, the news of the untimely death of Mr. Doesn't Matter If You're Black or White did not influence the practice whatsoever. In fact, I was so unfazed by the news that I started to question my character. Am I a heartless piece of shit? No. I'm just a guy who realizes that people die. You, me, the bum on the street begging for booze change, and yes, Michael Jackson, too. So, in my mind, it was merely, 'Oh, that's too bad. But I have shows to prep for'.
It didn't help, however, that on my 3 hour drive up to Hype's place I big time dented the back of my trunk when some bitch forcefully made me back up in a panic & ram into a huge metal thing (for lack of a better term). She of course fled, coward fucker, so I'm left with the dent. I refused to let it sway my mindset & the practice. My focus could not be penetrated that day ... nothing was going to fuck it up ... dents or deaths.
Things started looking up from there on out however. I called in to WNBT 104.5 The Buzz & did an on air introduction of our song 'The Official Countdown', which DJ Stretch played immediately following. It was cool hearing the track over the airwaves. It made the drive, with all its shitty mishaps, so much more enjoyable.
Now, with some radio play & the help of a Dilla mixtape, I made it to Hype's calm, cool & collected for rehearsal. We did the shit shootin' & the weed puffin' & magical finger boarding & then made our way to The Commune to pick up the speakers & wires & pedals & all that shit you need to bump some raw music.
When we got back, we set up, smoked some more bats & got to getting. The rehearsal went well. The beats were bumpin', baby. They have some muscle to them thumpin' outta those speakers. It made it easy to just pace & rock to that shit.
Obviously, some work needs to be done. I mean, it was our first REAL practice so you can't expect the world. But, I was extremely impressed with how well we did given the circumstance. Some lyrics were forgotten (by us both, especially me) & some keyboard riff attempts fell flat, but these are all kinks that can be knocked out. And they will be.
Shortly after rehearsal we hit another blunt & bumped the now finished 'Sex & Co.' EP thru the system. It sounded so dope I rocked a semi, ha. It felt like our own little personal listening party. I'm looking forward to the Monday release (read below in Hype's blog).
Next week is another rehearsal, & I'll bet the $2 to my name that it goes phenomenally. Until then I'm gonna do some pre-gaming & brush up on some backing vocals & keyboard riffs. I'll also be heading back up to Gumshu's to mix the live instrumentals so the beats can blow the bricks off the walls @ whatever venues will be brave enough to let us into their house. Booom!
Til next time,
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