Glorious Honey Holes. That's right, it's not what it sounds like. Honey Hole, Pennsylvania. HickLand. The Old Country. The only place you can be the manager of a hotel, a permanent resident, just chillin' for the night and homeless all on the same beautiful day. The Promise Land.
Also, the unofficial Wine Thieves meeting grounds, well ... at least it has been lately. So, I met Hype at a less-than-welcoming Wendy's around 9:15pm on Friday night. I could smell the bacon ... and not from the restaurant (side note: lovely "dining room"). After a few laughs, one or two cigarettes, many looks behind my shoulder and a couple hicks with shotguns mounted on the back window of their pick-up truck, we headed out for the search. The search for the spot.
It didn't take us nearly as long as expected to find the place. A quick drive up Route 309 & Hype recognized the dead end road that leads us to the woods we've grown to know so well lately. After parking in the middle of nowhere, we exited the car & entered the dark woods. It was at this point I started to feel the spray weed kick in (too scientific for me to explain, ask Hype). But, it is tradition to still smoke that shit. So, we did.
We didn't talk about the album too much. Of course, we touched on the subject, but I think everything that could be discussed about it has already been said. So, we kept it lighter this time. I caught up on the happenings of Hype Jr. They grow up so fast. We talked more about our weird sitcom we're gonna be doing in between shows. And of course, some good old-fashion reminiscing.
It was a good time.
Last thing's last: I'm heading up to Covington some time this week to chill with Hype & shoot our "Sex & Co." release-promo video. We also may book an interview with DJ Stretch @ 104.5 The Buzz. More on that later. Til then, be easy.
Peace, Party
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