Thursday, April 30, 2009
Fuzzhugger/The Commune

Death of the Party ... came as no surprise

the following is an excerpt from the times, times' interview with emcee hype (interviewed by dallas mundis).
“when the wine thieves were last seen on the scene, the rumor from seeney mctalkalot was that jersey bound trunk crew was putting together another album. True or false?"
this is not true. while party and gum and i remain close friends, we are not currently working on or planning to work on any new jersey bound material. we are actually tearing albums to pieces and smashing bmx trophies. besides, jersey bound trunk crew is not a band, it's a super group, secretly put together by diddy and doody, derick and wilbur wright (the right brothers), and mad-shit merry-makers, might mezz music.
"Secondly--and this reporter will get right to the point--is party.picasso dead?"
secondly, party.picasso is not dead. that was a rumor started by romo and slater. they wish he were dead, then they could stop pushing those off-time ass-crack-crooked beats on unsuspecting Internet customers and jack dead party's beats.
"dream on, dingleberryshortcakes! am I right, hype?!? also, if you bought beats from romo and/or slater, you're a stupid twat-wad-wanna-be, hot-rod-cock-gob-sloppy, r-kelly-rock-opera singer. Right hype??"
i mean, what do you even say to that?! (rhetorical.)
"ok.. sorry man, posers get me so amped!! (pause) so fast-forward to yesterday… party and you played a living room jam session or??? that's not very hip hop, I must say."
fast forward to yesterday... party and i put the neon light strip on, drug the amps from the basement to the living room, and jammed off of an electric guitar (party) and an '86 yamaha synth (yours). bad to the bone! altho we don't generally do covers, somewhere in the thirty-seventh stanza of a c# progression we slipped into the violent femmes, blister in the sun (yes, in c#).
"so what does a jam session have to do with the wine thieves?"
it's all about vibes, man. we have to be in sync, party and i. we have to be n'syncer than justin, jc, joey, lance and chris. you understand me?
"and finally, in conclusion of said statements, how come in 2008 bon jovi had the top grossing tour? i mean, really, people? bon jovi?!?"
on a short list that only gets sillier…
"am I right, hype?!? how the F are you people going to give all your stupid-earned money to these (and i use the term sooooo loosely) 'artists': bon jovi #1, bruce springsteen #2, madonna(?!) #3, then comes the police. no, seriously, what F-ing year am i in again?!?"
i love Roxanne.
"nothing against the police or anything, but this is last year we're talking about. 2008 not 1983. let me just finish the list: at #5 celine dion..."
[editor's note: this is where the blog ends. the interviewer, dallas mundis, blew his own brains out. if he had lived (which he didn't), after celine dion he would have listed: #6 kenny chesney, #7 neil diamond, #8 the spice girls[...]]
[the new editor's note: this is where dallas mundis's replacement interviewer blew his brains out.]
[music is dead.]
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
"Sex & Co" covers

These are the official front & back covers for the "Sex & Co" album. We now know for sure that it will be a summer release. No exact date yet, of course. But we will have one soon.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Track list
"Sex & Co." by The Wine Thieves
1. funny records (introduction)
2. powerlines
3. ode to milosz
4. shitty fox
5. blackout city
6. police state
7. arrogant heritage
8. pill armies (interlude)
9. xerox copy
10. the official countdown
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Long story long ...

It's one of those faux-summer spring days outside. 80 degrees up here in the wilds... that's warm even for summer... but i'm indoors blogging (which isn't even a real word, by the way. In my day they called it writing).
...there's a chicken barbecue down the road too.. bunch of bikers raising money for something, I don't know... they have a whole smokey pit of BBQ chicken and when the wind catches it just right... so good! If I could just muster the strength to venture... but I'm much too sick. beat down, joint-ache, snot-face sick. Got this way thru a combination of germs, an unbalanced unhealthy lifestyle, and that 50 hours straight i was awake last weekend... or whenever it was. Even my brain feels jet-lagged from the whole experience...
Long story long ...
...had a rear tire going flat, so i filled it with air. (75 cents for air, by the way!) went to work that day worrying about the tire going flat, punched out at 5pm to find a flat front right. This is ten minutes before I left for the studio...
well, I managed to bum a ride, and drive that beast up to party's place. 3 hours on just as many roads. It's a trip! Party & I made it up to Bennett Studios for some mixing. (I had already done the vocals with gum at Bennett a few weeks back... that's an entirely different story, where gum turns me on to machine elves!? You know, fractal elves!? Mind trolls!!??)
So, we jump down the rabbit hole... me and Party mixing with gumshu for some non-stop (literally, not stopping--for anything) fourteen hours. It was all a blur... I remember some good music in there tho. Real good! And some nice mixes via gumshu. party and I gave our input, paced, scowled, fixed-it, smiled, nodded.. a few cig breaks, but i quit... so i only took the social drag. Which was disastrous. not that I'm smoking again. I'm not. But when you don't smoke (anymore) even an American Spirit tears up the lungage. I'm sure the social drag contributed to this entire drag of being sick. UGH!.
..flashback interrupted by people blowing me up... no, i will NOT enjoy the weather with you today! I'm spent.
Seriously... we've spent so much money, time, health and blood on this EP... we have invested the proverbial blood, perspiration, and tears.. nobody has any idea. Except me, party and gum. And hopefully everyone who hear that in our new album/EP 'Sex & Co.'
time for a nap.
Peace, Hype of the Thieves
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Sex & Co.
What's up people.
The album is STILL almost done. It looks like its gonna be one more visit to Bennett Studios to get this thing done. But, it's gonna be worth the work & the gas money. Hype & I went up to Englewood to meet up with Aaron last Friday. Things went very, very well. We left with a rough mix of almost all the tracks. This week we're looking to head in to finish the other tracks & then put all finishing touches on everything before we call it. Then, that's it. Done deal.
The album is already named however. It is called "Sex & Co."! A final track list will be posted in the next blog. After that, we'll pretty much be setting up shows & selling the CD digitally @ The Commune & our myspace page. You will also be able to pick it up @ any live show we perform.
We are shooting for a final release date in May. Somewhere in the mid-May arena. A release party will be thrown following the album's release. Check back for the exact date along with other show dates.
Come back soon & check out the myspace: www.myspace.com/thewinethieves
Peace, Party of The Thieves