What's up people.
The time has just about finally come. That's an odd sentence, but it's true. We're almost there. I met up with Aaron @ Bennett Studios late last week to have him mix the final beat for the album. It sounded extremely awesome.
Hype took a fucking 4 hour drive the next night to meet up with Aaron himself & recorded literally ALL the vocals for the album. He felt some good vibes & feels very confident in his performance. I'm heading back to Bennett some time this week to put the FINAL FINAL FINAL touches on the beats. I don't want to leave a thing out, so this is my last chance to sweeten up these beats. I'm also gonna throw some back up vocals on that shit.
All in all, the album is shaping up to be great! Hype & I are very, very excited about this. It's been a tough year & a half, but it was worth all of it. We're shooting for a late-April/early-May release of the album. Two dates will be set for the release parties. One is a listening party @ Hype's house. And the second is gonna be a live performance along with Andrex & Thomas Dalton.
More news on the album to come as it unfolds. In the meantime, go to www.myspace.com/partypicasso to hear some instrumentals from the new album. See you soon!
Some tentative song titles: Powerlines, Ode to Milosz, Shitty Fox, DARE Kids & more.
party of the thieves